without waste
adverb as in summarily
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The roadmap presents a future without waste, where carbon is treated as a precious commodity rather than a disposable resource.
Speaking from the window of his studio to the thousands of faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Angelus prayer, the pontiff also invited the faithful “not to confuse celebration with consumerism. One can and, as a Christian, must celebrate in simplicity without waste and by sharing with those who lack necessities or lack companionship.”
Whether in whole baby leaf form or ready-chopped, frozen spinach is portioned into handy nuggets, meaning you can use specific amounts without waste.
"We will spend the 68.9 billion euros in grants and the 122.6 billion euros loaned to Italy by the Next Generation EU fund in the best possible way. Without delays and without waste, and by agreeing with the European Commission on the necessary adjustments to optimise spending, especially in light of rising raw material prices and the energy crisis. These matters are to be addressed with a pragmatic, not an ideological approach."
Coca-Cola told the BBC it recognised it needs to do more: "While we have made progress against our World Without Waste goals, we're also committed to do more, faster."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.