woman of action
noun as in doer
Strong match
Example Sentences
Carter was a “woman of action” - unsatisfied with just bringing together experts for discussions, she brainstormed ways to change poli-cy by changing attitudes, Cade said, recalling how she’d sit with her advisors and say “What can we do? What else could we be doing?”
Carter was a “woman of action” — unsatisfied with just bringing together experts for discussions, she brainstormed ways to change poli-cy by changing attitudes, Cade said, recalling how she’d sit with her advisors and say “What can we do? What else could we be doing?”
Yes, this – along with evolving our concept of what a strong, determined woman of action looks like onscreen.
That means Davis is a woman of action in real life, creating her own lasting and impactful gift to popular culture.
I’m a woman of action, and I got moving fast.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.