noun as in someone dependent on a substance
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She said it was a "travesty and a devastation" that addicts often don't have access to recovery services.
Elsewhere, ERA said video was the most popular form of home entertainment, with cinephiles and telly addicts spending more than £5bn on streaming services, movie rentals and DVDs.
"I was 19 years old, I started taking Captagon and my life started to fall apart," Yasser, a young male addict in a rehab clinic told us in Jordan's capital, Amman.
This isn’t one of those “everyone deserves a second chance” scenarios such as reformed drug addicts or formerly incarcerated people who made bad decisions and are now rehabilitated.
In infamous Yoshinoya alley, severely addicted people gather at all hours, sometimes by the dozens, to use drugs including fentanyl, a serial killer.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.