allergic to
adjective as in adverse
verb as in despise
verb as in hate
Strong matches
Example Sentences
It’s just another sign that the Oscars seem to be allergic to fun.
Those close to him say he was allergic to talking up his work in order to sell it, and for a time he gave up art altogether and turned to the Bible.
If you hold your nose and dive in, it's startling how much the typical swing voter is allergic to facts.
Stone says the brain haemorrhage left her “a very different person”, changing even the foods she enjoyed and was allergic to.
The former sports TV presenter is allergic to opioid painkillers and says she worries her condition may one day leave her in excruciating pain, with no legal way of ending her suffering on her own terms.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.