adjective as in beautiful, satisfying to senses
Strongest matches
aesthetic, creative, decorative, dramatic, imaginative, musical
Weak matches
cultivated, cultured, elegant, exquisite, fine, graceful, grand, harmonious, ideal, ornamental, pictorial, picturesque, pleasing, poetic, refined, rhythmical, sensitive, stimulating, stylish, sublime, tasteful
adjective as in being skilled in creative activity
Strongest matches
Weak matches
accomplished, artful, artsy-craftsy, arty, crafty, discriminating, gifted, skillful, talented
Example Sentences
The pieces will raise money for Millfield's Discover Brilliance campaign – the very scholarship Ms Beard received to help her on her own artistic path.
He will be the artistic director of Welsh National Theatre, which will aim to tell "big stories on big stages for big audiences".
Dune: Part Two was not submitted in that category despite its huge financial success, reportedly because the film's producers wanted Globe voters to focus on its artistic merits.
The reason is AI, or at least the development of AI bots “trained” on copyrighted written, musical and artistic works.
Because your real life is always in conversation with your artistic life.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.