adjective as in rising
adjective as in arising
adjective as in soaring
adjective as in uphill
Strongest match
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Rams young and ascending defense feels as if it has come of age since the Philadelphia Eagles literally ran over Los Angeles in November at SoFi Stadium.
Rams young and ascending defense feels as if it has come of age since the Philadelphia Eagles literally ran over Los Angeles in November at SoFi Stadium.
On social media, other commentators warned of "ultra-extremists" ascending to power, while others decried the "forcing of a free woman" to adopt a conservative look.
As we’ve seen since, there are some pitfalls of ascending to that next level of popularity as a sport …
Say goodbye to the beach for now just before Cactus Point, ascending the stairs with a black railing to Pearl Street and then turning right on Ocean Way.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.