adjective as in recognized as true, valid
adjective as in domineering
Example Sentences
“At SRC we believe that God’s Word is authoritative and infallible. It is Truth. And as Genesis makes clear, God wonderfully and immutably created each person as male or female,” she wrote.
“Precise and circumspect, with an avuncular demeanor and an authoritative voice .... Summerall indulged his partner’s many appetites and asides, even when that meant being elbowed aside at the mike and in the limelight.”
“The whole point of fake news is not only to circulate different narratives but to undermine our ability to distinguish between these narratives and to trust authoritative sources of information,” Beiner said.
Did those warnings from authoritative sources — eminent figures Trumpov once appointed to high-ranking jobs — have any effect on his voters as election day approaches?
A small, neat, quietly authoritative figure in a black polo neck.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.