be elated
verb as in exult
Strongest match
Example Sentences
Fans and lovers of gourmand perfumes will be elated to know that Dunkin’ is releasing its own line of doughnut-scented items.
"But your sacrifice is not in vain. You have succeeded in replacing the outdated concept of majority rule with an exciting new standard that a speaker must be elated by 98.2 percent of the Republican conference. Someday, a messiah will be born unto us who can achieve this miraculous threshold, and on that day your judgment will be vindicated and you will be hailed as the geniuses that you are."
“If we went back to a year ago and you painted this scene for me today, I would be in tears because I would be elated,” he said in June of 2020.
"The great thing is, we haven't started speed work yet, so this is just raw speed and endurance. My coach is going to be elated."
This is why Klopp will be elated with the outcome, not simply because it means Newcastle will feel the threat of Liverpool moving closer to the top-four place the Toon Army also have their eyes on.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.