noun as in thought
Example Sentences
“I’m creating that network, helping them to have a workflow. I’m spending money on these marketing plans. I’m coming with all the best ideas I can. Every day is an adventure. My whole life, he’s got out and went back in. Stressed out that he might do something to jeopardize it again. It’s part of that brainwork where you just got to hold it down and financially. I wanted to build, put together pieces that would bring people completely into his world.”
They are listening, analyzing, visualizing, sequencing, and applying concentrated brainwork to understand what they are singing.
The game plays out in an open world of sorts, letting you explore a small town and gather information on a murder — although the detective elements are more about finding things on the map than using any actual brainwork.
That wasn’t supposed to happen; robots were supposed to supplant manual labor jobs, not professional brainwork.
There is relief, intoxication, even temporary salvation in this kind of brainwork that so differs from the frontal lobe activities that dominate the rest of my day.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.