noun as in yelled statement
noun as in demand, announcement
noun as in need, cause for action
noun as in normal sound of animal
verb as in yell declaration
verb as in arrange meeting
verb as in entitle
verb as in demand or announce action
verb as in estimate, consider
Strong matches
Weak match
verb as in attempt to communicate by telephone
Example Sentences
Nevertheless, she’s missed the connection slated to take her farther west, over the mountains to a place called Crooks Springs, where her husband is supposedly living, but possibly not waiting.
Indeed, the council has set up its own business called Derive to build homes that will be for rent only.
Torah scrolls were saved, but the temple and center were destroyed for a community that has called Pasadena home for more than 100 years.
“The property is gone,” Executive Director Melissa Levy said in a phone call with The Times.
The Watch Duty team gets automated alerts that are sent to its Slack platform when a 911 dispatch call is made regarding a fire.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.