adjective as in depressing, unhappy
Weak matches
- austere
- black
- bleak
- blue
- comfortless
- dark
- dejected
- dejecting
- depressed
- desolate
- despondent
- disconsolate
- dismal
- dispiriting
- dolorous
- drab
- draggy
- drearisome
- dreary
- dull
- forlorn
- funereal
- gloomy
- grim
- in the dumps
- jarring
- joyless
- melancholy
- miserable
- mopey
- mournful
- oppressive
- sad
- somber
- sorrowful
- sullen
- tenebrific
- uncomfortable
- wintry
- woebegone
- woeful
Example Sentences
In Hollywood’s ongoing cheerless attempts to contest the joy of music by cutting stellar classical musicians down to size, “Maria” joins the curt parade of “Tár” and “Maestro.”
Cashiers at the supermarket knew them as a quiet, cheerless family that shopped several times a week.
Set in an especially cheerless pocket of Southern California, where high-voltage lines loom over the sparsely treed landscape, it opens in the summer.
“It’s nothing fancy,” the employer says, clearly believing otherwise, as the nanny’s smile fades in the gray, cheerless light.
It was a signature cartel threat demanding that debtors pay up or face a cheerless alternative — a shower of lead, i.e., bullets.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.