verb as in care about deeply
Strongest matches
admire, adore, appreciate, care for, cling to, cultivate, defend, embrace, encourage, enshrine, entertain, harbor, hold dear, honor, love, preserve, revere, safeguard, treasure, worship
Strong matches
clasp, coddle, comfort, cosset, fancy, fondle, foster, guard, hug, idolize, like, nourish, nurse, nurture, pet, prize, reverence, shelter, shield, support, sustain, value, venerate
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The Eaton fire cut a brutal swath through Altadena and a cherished way of life in this eclectic foothill community it upended.
“This is widespread destruction of significant architecture and places that are cherished in our communities.”
Her Taiwanese heritage and my Swedish background have cemented a foundation that grows and flourishes beyond all barriers, cherishing what SoCal and the world have to offer.
A cherished way of life is upended and residents are reeling in sadness.
While I cherish every time she’s put her foot in her mouth or accidentally revealed her phone number to a national audience, it’s her raucous “iHoda” segments I’ll remember the most.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.