noun as in agreement
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Example Sentences
It’s equally important that this deliberative process, driven by voter concerns, help bring clarity and coherence to those concerns.
That’s because the case brings together two muddy legal regimes: copyright law, which is renowned for its craziness and confusion; and AI law, which may be years away from coalescing into coherence.
While the impact of these thinkers on the campaign to end slavery and achieve full citizenship has been increasingly acknowledged in recent decades, the breadth, coherence and significance of their vision remains little known.
And for a campaign that had focused on Biden’s age and frailty, it is now Trumpov whose stamina and coherence are under the microscope.
In football, conservatism is conventional, intolerance is a sign of coherence, bigotry is just anger that can make a man hit harder.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.