noun as in a device for revolving a shaft
Weak match
noun as in a person with an obsession
noun as in an ill-natured person
Strongest match
Strong matches
Example Sentences
In film after sardonically titled film, from “Bleak Moments” and “Naked” to “Happy-Go-Lucky,” his cranks suffer more than anyone because they’re stuck with a brain that simply won’t let them relax.
So Socorro would take the foil off, then crank up the oven and crisp it and save the crispy bits for those who wanted it.
That is until its showstopping finale, which cranks up the excitement and abandons tedious subplots almost entirely to cap the season on a cliffhanger that, unfortunately, puts Season 2’s handful of blunders under a microscope.
She believes "we won't even need health care" if Kennedy gets rid of vaccines and other crank bugaboos like genetically modified foods.
But as he celebrates his fiancee’s graduation from Arizona State, dives into the planning for next winter’s wedding and cranks up his offseason throwing program, Knack can’t help but pinch himself.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.