cutting it
noun as in competence
Example Sentences
Tania Nehme, the editor, honored that by not cutting it fast and finding the right balance between being in a moment that was so slow but not stationary.
However, migration was not one of his milestones, he said, because cutting it was one of the “foundational things that a government must do”.
After a week, she suggests taking a nug off the branch, cutting it open and checking for moisture.
After production had wrapped for a commercial, he grabbed a spare layout board and began cutting it into makeshift cards, labeling each with a natural disaster, energy source or climate solution.
“There is not enough support as it is and now they are cutting it to the bone and expecting schools to pull off miracles, but more cuts are going to break the children or the staff - or both.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.