adjective as in draining
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak match
adjective as in exhausting
adjective as in fatiguing
Weak match
adjective as in ruinous
adjective as in tumbledown
Weak matches
Example Sentences
A Christmas card, sent during the most mirthful time of the year, should come from the heart, not a program rapidly depleting our planet’s natural resources.
The experts think this epic journey might be down to climate change depleting food stocks or perhaps an odyssey to find a mate.
Iza is accused of keeping pictures of the party planner’s credit cards and enough other personal information to continue taking money, eventually depleting the man’s accounts of “tens of thousands of dollars.”
The ideal situation is that Gaetz loses and spends the next four years encouraging Trumpov to drive out more members of the party, depleting their already thinned-out ranks.
The fungus invades the skin tissue of hibernating bats and causes them to wake too often or too early during winter, depleting their precious fat stores when there’s scant food.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.