adjective as in big-name
Strong matches
acclaimed, big-league, celebrated, distinguished, eminent, famed, high-profile, illustrious, prominent, renowned
adjective as in beloved
Strongest matches
admired, cherished, dear, favorite, hallowed, loved, popular, prized, respected, revered, treasured, venerated, well-liked
Weak matches
cared for, doted on, endeared, fair-haired, highly regarded, highly valued, idolized, near to one's heart, precious, worshiped
adjective as in dear
adjective as in distinguished
Strongest matches
acclaimed, brilliant, dignified, eminent, famed, great, honored, illustrious, noble, notable, noted, prominent, remarkable, renowned, reputable, venerable, well-known
Strong matches
arresting, celebrated, high-profile, imposing, marked, name, shining, signal, striking
Weak matches
aristocratic, big-name, conspicuous, distingué, especial, extraordinary, foremost, glorious, highly regarded, memorable, nonpareil, noteworthy, peerless, royal, salient, singular, special, stately, superior, talked of, unforgettable
adjective as in eminent
Strongest matches
big-name, distinguished, famed, high-ranking, illustrious, noted, outstanding, preeminent, prominent, renowned, well-known
Weak matches
august, big-gun, big-league, big-time, celeb, celebrated, celebrious, conspicuous, dominant, elevated, exalted, grand, great, high, leonine, lionlike, lofty, name, noble, notable, noteworthy, of note, page-oner, paramount, prestigious, redoubted, star, superior, superstar, VIP
adjective as in estimable
Strongest match
Weak matches
admirable, admired, appreciable, august, big-name, big-time, commendable, decent, deserving, excellent, good, high-powered, honored, in limelight, laudable, major-league, meretorious, meritable, name, noble, palmary, praisable, reputable, reputed, respectable, respected, sterling, valuable, valued, venerable, well-thought-of
adjective as in favorite
adjective as in glorious
Strongest matches
beautiful, bright, brilliant, dazzling, delightful, enjoyable, famous, gorgeous, grand, gratifying, great, heroic, illustrious, magnificent, marvelous, memorable, noble, remarkable, shining, splendid, sublime, superb, triumphant, wonderful
Weak matches
august, celebrated, distinguished, effulgent, elevated, eminent, exalted, excellent, famed, fine, heavenly, honored, immortal, majestic, notable, noted, pleasurable, preeminent, radiant, renowned, resplendent, time-honored, venerable, well-known
adjective as in honorable
Strongest matches
conscientious, distinguished, ethical, honest, illustrious, law-abiding, noble, principled, reliable, respectable, righteous, sincere, straightforward, trustworthy, virtuous
Weak matches
acclaimed, celebrated, chivalrous, dependable, eminent, faithful, forthright, high-principled, honored, just, knightly, notable, of good repute, on the up and up, sterling, truthful, unstained, upright
adjective as in honored
Strongest matches
dignified, distinguished, privileged, recognized, revered, venerated, well-known
Strong matches
Weak matches
adjective as in illustrious
Strongest matches
distinguished, eminent, exalted, famed, glorious, lofty, noble, outstanding, remarkable, renowned, splendid, well-known
adjective as in important
Strongest matches
eminent, great, influential, of note, outstanding, powerful, prominent
Strong matches
big-time, celebrated, distinguished, famous, foremost, grand, high-level, high-profile, high-ranking, high-up, preeminent
Weak matches
adjective as in noted
Strongest matches
acclaimed, distinguished, illustrious, leading, notable, notorious, prominent, recognized, renowned, well-known
Strong matches
adjective as in observed
Strongest match
Strong matches
celebrated, consecrated, honored, kept, memorialized, minded, preserved, recalled, regarded, respected, reverenced, sanctified, solemnized, venerated, worshiped
adjective as in prestigious
Strongest matches
distinguished, famed, illustrious, important, impressive, prominent, renowned, reputable, respected
adjective as in renowned
Strongest matches
acclaimed, distinguished, eminent, famed, great, illustrious, notable, noted, outstanding, prominent, well-known
Weak matches
big-name, celebrated, celebrious, extolled, high-profile, in the limelight, lauded, monster, name, of note, praised, redoubted, signal, splashy, star, superstar
adjective as in reputable
Strongest matches
distinguished, eminent, illustrious, prominent, renowned, trustworthy, well-known
Weak matches
acclaimed, celebrated, conscientious, constant, creditable, dependable, estimable, excellent, fair, faithful, famed, famous, favored, good, high-principled, high-ranking, honest, honorable, honored, in high favor, just, legitimate, notable, of good repute, popular, redoubted, reliable, respectable, righteous, salt of the earth, sincere, straightforward, truthful, upright, well-thought-of
adjective as in splendorous
Weak matches
august, beautiful, bright, brilliant, celebrated, dazzling, delightful, distinguished, effulgent, elevated, eminent, enjoyable, exalted, excellent, famed, famous, fine, gorgeous, grand, gratifying, great, heavenly, heroic, honored, illustrious, immortal, magnificent, majestic, marvelous, memorable, noble, notable, noted, pleasurable, preeminent, proud, radiant, remarkable, renowned, resplendent, shining, splendid, sublime, superb, time-honored, triumphant, venerable, well-known, wonderful
adjective as in top-level
Strongest matches
Weak matches
aristocratic, distinguished, famous, first-class, foremost, four-star, front-page, grand, high-up, honored, illustrious, leading, majestic, major-league, noble, notable, noted, noteworthy, powerful, preeminent, prominent, top-drawer, top-notch, upper-class, VIP, well-known
adjective as in valuable
Strongest matches
beneficial, costly, expensive, helpful, important, invaluable, prized, profitable, relevant, scarce, treasured, useful, valued, worthwhile
Strong matches
Weak matches
admired, appreciated, cherished, estimable, held dear, high-priced, hot, hot property, in demand, inestimable, of value, precious, respected, serviceable
adjective as in valued
Weak matches
adjective as in venerable
Weak matches
admirable, aged, august, dignified, estimable, experienced, grave, honorable, honored, imposing, matriarchal, noble, patriarchal, philosophical, reverenced, reverend, sacred, sage, sedate, serious, wise, worshipful, worshipped
adjective as in welcome
Strongest matches
appreciated, desirable, gratifying, pleasant, pleasing, refreshing, satisfying
Strong matches
accepted, cherished, contenting, cordial, desired, good, honored, invited, nice, wanted
Weak matches
acceptable, agreeable, congenial, delightful, favorable, genial, grateful, pleasurable, sympathetic
Example Sentences
For Mr Okoroafor, the journey from a young boy dreaming of the leopard hunt to an esteemed Ogbuagu was well worth the wait.
As the final track on the Marias’ sophomore album “Submarine,” “Sienna” ends the band’s esteemed breakup album on its heaviest note.
As late as the 1950s, fruitcakes were a widely esteemed part of the American holiday tradition.
Though both are esteemed actors in their own right, neither is too self-important to throw off the balance in front of the camera.
He certainly appeared to have some of the trappings of a descendant of the esteemed bankers, including a classic car collection featuring Ferraris and Jaguars.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.