Strongest matches
absolute, chic, exclusionary, fashionable, licensed, limited, posh, private, privileged, restrictive, ritzy, segregated, sole, swank, unique
Strong matches
choice, chosen, entire, full, independent, narrow, particular, single, total, whole
Weak matches
aloof, aristocratic, circumscribed, clannish, classy, cliquish, closed, complete, confined, country club, discriminative, elegant, exclusory, only, peculiar, preferential, prohibitive, select, selfish, snobbish, socially correct, undivided, upper crust
Example Sentences
More recently, a bid to rent out part of Sydney's famous Bondi Beach to an exclusive beach club was met with a huge outcry.
Speaking to USA Today in an exclusive interview, Biden did, however, add that he was unsure if he would have had the stamina for another four-year term.
The power of Nintendo's Switch was also apparent, with half of the top 10 including games comprised of titles that are exclusive to the console.
"The concern about my safety is always there," he told the BBC in an exclusive interview as he tucked into his first meal as a free man.
Foods once considered exclusive to the wealthy – champagne, foie gras, and truffles – have become increasingly accessible.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.