noun as in uncovering; putting in view or danger
Strongest matches
disclosure, hazard, liability, publicity, risk, vulnerability
Strong matches
acknowledgment, airing, baring, betrayal, confession, defenselessness, denudation, denunciation, display, divulgence, exhibition, giveaway, introduction, jeopardy, manifestation, nakedness, openness, peril, presentation, revelation, showing, susceptibility, unfolding, unmasking, unveiling
Weak matches
divulging, exposé, laying open, susceptiveness, susceptivity, vulnerableness
Example Sentences
The Voice could not pay him for the first several years but the exposure was gratifying.
"For Europe it's double exposure: exposure to what America might do and then what China will do in response."
It said it typically receives claims representing 31% of its total exposure, but its actual losses can be different.
“Every court of appeals that has considered the question has held that mere exposure to controversial issues in a public-school curriculum does not burden the free religious exercise of parents or students,” they said.
But in terms of exposure, there’s nothing like it.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.