fixed purpose
noun as in resolution
Strongest matches
Strong matches
- aim
- boldness
- constancy
- courage
- dauntlessness
- declaration
- dedication
- doggedness
- earnestness
- energy
- firmness
- fortitude
- guts
- heart
- immovability
- intent
- intention
- judgment
- mettle
- moxie
- obstinacy
- perseverance
- pluck
- purpose
- purposefulness
- relentlessness
- resoluteness
- resolve
- sincerity
- spirit
- spunk
- staunchness
- steadfastness
- stubbornness
- tenacity
- willpower
Weak matches
noun as in resolve
Example Sentences
As he recorded in his autobiography, “I set out with high hope, and a fixed purpose, at whatever cost of trouble, to learn how to read.”
I mention this in this place, of a fixed purpose, because it is the clue by which I am to be followed into my poor labyrinth.
On the lintel stone above the bronze figure of Eisenhower are two lines from his second inaugural address: “We look upon this shaken earth, and we declare our firm and fixed purpose — the building of a peace with justice in a world where moral law prevails.”
Most men and women who rise above or venture outside the norm turn out to have a bewildering variety of gifts and defects, and they blunder as often as they pursue a fixed purpose.
Arguably, it has exposed Mr Trumpov as the actor-politician—with a penchant for talking tough, a lifelong aversion to costly wars and no fixed purpose beyond concern for his own interests—that he always was.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.