foot it
noun as in dance
verb as in ambulate
Weak match
verb as in pace
Example Sentences
Same way if you miss the ball with your foot it's a foul.
Picture 100 straws versus 50 straws in one square foot; “it’s not going to have as much covering power,” explains Karen Leonas, a professor of textile sciences at North Carolina State University.
"We’re shooting ourselves in the foot… It won’t deter poor performing students but it will deter high performing students who have options," he wrote on X.
No. I didn't touch him with the studs or even the foot, it was my ankle.
"Instead, there is a shadow because of allegations of bad behaviour behind the scenes. And now the BBC is finding itself on the back foot. It’s making changes today."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.