noun as in abundance, breadth
Strongest matches
Strong matches
- adequateness
- ampleness
- amplitude
- broadness
- completion
- comprehensiveness
- congestion
- copiousness
- curvaceousness
- dilation
- distension
- enlargement
- entirety
- extensiveness
- fill
- glut
- plenitude
- plenty
- plenum
- profusion
- repletion
- roundness
- satiation
- satiety
- scope
- sufficiency
- surfeit
- swelling
- tumescence
- vastness
- voluptuousness
- wealth
- wideness
Example Sentences
The silence that ensued was stunning in its fullness: a pleasingly counterintuitive demonstration of the fierce adulation she was just barely holding back.
However, this effect eventually can wear off as the stomach becomes used to the sensation of fullness.
The drug's overall effect is to promote a feeling of fullness or "satiety," which reduces the desire for food and to boost insulin secretion, which reduces glucose levels in the blood.
More recently, they have emerged as effective treatments for obesity -- slowing digestion, increasing feelings of fullness, and reducing hunger.
It’s as if the director herself has run into an existential choice: to show women in the fullness of their complications, frustrated and abandoned?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.