give in to
verb as in defer
verb as in succumb
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She believes Combs cut them from the band because neither would give in to his intimidations on and off camera.
If we give in to the fear and anxiety or self-medicate with drugs and alcohol, the opposition claims victory.
Former Sen. Norm Coleman, introducing the nominee, observed that Hegseth “has struggled and overcome great personal challenges”—a reference to much-publicized sexual harassment charges and a documented drinking problem—but pleaded, “Please don’t give in to the cynical notion that people can’t change.”
“I think America is trying to bully China into selling to an American owner. A lot of us just don’t want to give in to them,” said Samantha Manassero, a 39-year-old nurse in L.A. who downloaded Xiaohongshu on Sunday night after watching content creators on TikTok pitch it as a comparable app.
“Basically, they are going to give in to whatever Trumpov wants.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.