got it together
adjective as in sound
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
“In your 20s, you kind of almost think you’ve got it together and now I’m starting this next bit where you’re like, ‘Yeah, you do know nothing,’ and you kind of have to accept the random s— of life” where friends marry and have kids and the generation above you gets sick and dies, she explains.
The Saints led, 6-0, at halftime on two 54-yard field goals by Blake Grupe but the Rams got it together in the second half.
She had read my recent column, in which Langer said he was strongly considering closing his restaurant unless City Hall got it together and tackled the neighborhood’s festering problems with sanitation, public safety, homelessness, gangs, unlicensed vending and wide-open drug activity.
“Meanwhile when you see those counterprotesters, those frat boys—healthy, good-looking guys. They’ve got it together. These women are a mess.”
“That’s what it is supposed to be like. It’s taken us a while to get there but we did it tonight. We got a lot of things going offensively, everybody chipping in. Put the bat on the ball, took our walks and hit a couple of homers. We did everything you’re looking for this offense to do and we finally got it together in a game tonight. So now you got to build on it.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.