adjective as in engraved
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He believed he had created graven images of false idols with his art, and he gave up a teaching position at East Los Angeles College.
Those included condemnation of just the sort of graven imagery his son would later master for the Church of Rome and its royal cohorts in Habsburg Spain.
I remember something, too, of the green grave-mounds; and I have not forgotten, either, two figures of strangers straying amongst the low hillocks and reading the mementoes graven on the few mossy head-stones.
They even introduced a blemish into the carving to address our concerns with the biblical injunction against graven images.
There are also frequent views of Stibbert’s notable collection of Japanese arms and armor — among the first in the West — such as a 15th-century tanto, or samurai sword, whose blade is graven with watery calligraphy.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.