adverb as in optimistically
Strongest matches
Weak matches
expectantly, positively, sanguinely, trustfully, trustingly, with confidence, with hope
adverb as in probably
Strongest match
Weak matches
Example Sentences
And if that’s the case, hopefully the communities that come together afterwards can continue to be part of our lives as well.
The long-term deal agreed is also a statement of intent from Chelsea – that they are able to attract the world's best talents and, hopefully, keep them.
“Being able to give tickets in a time that’s pretty tough for people could put a smile on their faces and help them have a great time and hopefully enjoy the show.”
"I know what the speed of their serve is like, what the top-spin on their shots is like, and hopefully have a decent understanding of their strengths and weaknesses," Murray said.
“And so for us, it’s about continuing to get better, hopefully with seismic leaps.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.