in a second
adverb as in directly
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adverb as in in a flash
Weak matches
adverb as in right off
adverb as in soon
Strong match
adverb as in straightaway
Example Sentences
But now, in a second Trumpov term post-Roe, the stakes are higher.
In a second Fox interview, he questioned where Gomez's tears were for sex trafficking victims.
"It changes everything, your life changes in a second and what was has gone and you just have to live in the moment."
“It’s where I’ve found myself in a second act.”
In a second study, “Organic Chemical Contaminants in Water System Infrastructure Following Wildfire,” she and other researchers identified 95 contaminants in water systems that came not just from melted pipes but also from “the intrusion of smoke” after the Camp fire in Paradise and the 2017 Tubbs fire in Santa Rosa.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.