in need of
adjective as in bad off
adjective as in destitute
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
He added, “No wonder the film nabbed so many Oscar nominations: Academy members are always going to want their cinematic Mexico to be a pitiable hellhole in need of salvation and a reminder to change its errant ways, a trope that goes back to the days of Manifest Destiny.”
“A lot of what will affect people who have a substance use disorder or are in need of health care are the budget decisions that are going to be made in the coming months,” LaBelle told Salon in a phone interview.
It is no secret that the Gunners are in need of a striker.
“As we’ve seen before, from blocking access to needed contraception to forcing more unsafe abortions and increasing maternal death rates, this attack on human rights will cause devastating harms for people worldwide in need of reproductive health care.”
Back then, the internet was in its infancy and Silicon Valley’s fledgling firms were seen as upstarts in need of nurturing and protection as they faced Goliaths like the software giant Microsoft.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.