in self-defense
adverb as in defensively
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Sara and Abish and Two Moons, though they endure much, are determined and resourceful, violent only in self-defense.
Any violent acts the protestors committed were either done in self-defense or to rescue someone else, and any weapons they carried were either symbolic—patriotic expressions of the Second Amendment—or precautions against illegal action from Antifa.
In self-defense, Quinn kicked her attacker and “in a complete panic” bit a portion of her finger off, “because I didn’t know what else to do,” Quinn wrote on the GoFundMe account.
But trouble seems to follow the PI wherever he goes; in Mexico, it’s a drugged-out gangster patient who attacks the doctor and his nurses, and whom Doll kills, with great regret: “Diablo was the eighth man I had killed,” the investigator reflects later, “and it was always in self-defense, in situations in which I could have also been killed, but each time I had done it I had felt the sickening pull of the abyss, of becoming a shadow human impervious to the suffering of others.”
In the initial case, prosecutors argued that the killings were motivated by the boys’ desire to secure their $14-million inheritance, while the defense team argued that they were acting in self-defense following years of sexual abuse by their father, Jose Menendez.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.