innate knowledge
noun as in intuition
Example Sentences
"By using AI models to study the real language-learning problem faced by children, we can address classic debates about what ingredients children need to learn words -- whether they need language-specific biases, innate knowledge, or just associative learning to get going," adds Brenden Lake, an assistant professor in NYU's Center for Data Science and Department of Psychology and the paper's senior author.
Socrates's takeaway is that the boy had innate knowledge of the Pythagorean theorem all along; the questioning just helped him express it.
Each of these ideas taps into something instinctual that affirms Carey's artistic skills and her innate knowledge of the weight this time of year has in our culture: its story is an extension of Carey's personal history, one to which millions of people can relate.
It’s something that hits the olfactory system strongest, activating an innate knowledge within us: We know this smell, on a cellular level.
“We are born with innate knowledge, but it’s not like it’s perfect when we're born with it.... And then, through experience and the environment, babies—just like this computer model—elaborate that knowledge.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.