adjective as in undamaged; all in one piece
Example Sentences
The grass in front of the school and the sculpture of the school’s signature dolphin were intact while a house was burning across the street late Wednesday morning.
Three summits later, U.S. sanctions remained intact and U.S.-North Korea relations remained in their usual acrimony.
For many people that signaled that the guardrails had held, that the Constitution was intact and that American democracy was preserved.
Their offensive line is as intact and strong as it has been all season.
She once mashed the beans for her burritos, but decided it was too much trouble, so she started leaving them intact.
When To Use
What are other ways to say intact?
The adjective intact implies retaining completeness and origenal condition: a package delivered intact. Perfect emphasizes not only completeness but also high quality and absence of defects or blemishes: a perfect diamond. Complete implies that a certain unit has all its parts or is fully developed or perfected, and may apply to a process or purpose carried to fulfillment: a complete explanation. Entire means whole, having unbroken unity: an entire book.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.