leave no trace
verb as in disappear
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This skeleton crew worked upwards of 20 hours per day in dangerous blustery conditions to strike camp and fulfill one of Burning Man’s most imperative tenets: “leave no trace.”
It urged visitors to follow the Countryside Code, which encourages people not to light fires or barbecues and to "leave no trace" by clearing up after themselves.
Anderson attacked the problem by pounding huge holes into the rock and filling them with heavy steel anchors — a practice that is polar opposite of the “leave no trace” philosophy popular today.
The spokesperson added outdoor teams "work tirelessly to look after the area and clear the site by carrying out regular litter picks and encouraging people to leave no trace".
In the app age in which we mostly date strangers, it’s easy to leave no trace of yourself in another person’s life.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.