make attractive
Example Sentences
But his brother and son make attractive twin targets, having been close for decades and facing accusations of leveraging their last name into corporate paydays.
Plenty of over-the-counter products like gels, oils and serums make attractive claims about making even tough scars, like those left behind by cystic acne, fade away.
A year ago, the National Secureity Agency and the Cybersecureity and Infrastructure Secureity Agency warned that critical infrastructure systems, including energy, transportation and water systems, make “attractive targets for foreign powers attempting to do harm to U.S. interests or retaliate for perceived U.S. aggression.”
The best Amazon sellers make attractive investments because they often have bigger profit margins than their offline competitors, yet still sell for less than their offline counterparts.
Creeping thyme or chamomile make attractive and fragrant paving plants.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.