verb as in exaggerate
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in misrepresent
Strong matches
Weak matches
verb as in misrepresent/misquote
Weak matches
- adulterate
- angle
- beard
- belie
- build up
- cloak
- color
- con
- confuse
- cover up
- disguise
- distort
- dress
- embellish
- embroider
- equivocate
- exaggerate
- falsify
- garble
- give snow job
- mangle
- mask
- miscolor
- misinterpret
- misstate
- overdraw
- overstate
- palter
- pervert
- phony up
- pirate
- prevaricate
- promote
- puff
- skew
- slant
- snow
- spread it on
- stretch
- take out of context
- throw a curve
- trump up
- twist
- warp
Example Sentences
The signals caused the equipment to misreport the aircraft’s location.
Weisselberg during three days of testimony said he worked with the Trumpov Organization's controller to misreport his and others' income on company tax forms, which let the company save on salary payments as well as payroll taxes.
Weisselberg, who was charged along with the company last year, admitted in August to scheming with the Trumpov Organization and others not to report or to misreport substantial amounts of his and other employees' income.
The wealthy are far more likely to misreport their income on their taxes, but audits for the richest have been falling far faster than for those earning the least.
Those audits are designed to help the IRS capture data on certain types of tax filers who are more likely than others to misreport their incomes, even inadvertently, and they’re different from the enforcement audits designed to nab people for breaking the law.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.