much sooner
adverb as in rather
Example Sentences
Anyone who cooks with fresh herbs has experienced the frustration of herbs that die much sooner than they should, and the herb savor fixes that, extending the life of the herbs by a lot!
“I will instruct my cabinet that I expect results within the first 100 days, or much sooner than that.”
But some drugs leave the body within 12 hours or much sooner.
With United currently 13th in the Premier League table, though, and speculation following a timid 3-0 home loss to Tottenham that Ten Hag had two games to save his job, the Dutchman's judgement is likely to arrive much sooner if there are not big improvements.
But could all of this have happened much sooner?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.