adjective as in demonstrative, extroverted
adjective as in leaving
Strong matches
Example Sentences
In the years afterwards, Mr Anderson said he "went into isolation mode", which was not like him as he was once "quite a gregarious, outgoing person".
He also announced initiatives promoting Alaskan oil and gas development and reversing outgoing President Joe Biden’s policies protecting Arctic lands and U.S. coastal waters from drilling and encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles.
Fire officials told reporters Monday that the agency also ordered the outgoing shift of about 1,000 firefighters to remain on duty to staff the extra engines.
Democrats had warned the outgoing president against such action.
The outgoing president sees the series of directives, laws and funding programmes he championed to boost green jobs, regulate pollution and fund infrastructure as one of his biggest accomplishments.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is another word for outgoing?
Outgoing is commonly used to describe a person who actively participates in socializing and seeks out opportunities to socialize. A close synonym is extroverted. Outgoing people are often described as social, sociable, or gregarious. Such people are often friendly and talkative.
Outgoing is also used to describe things that are… going out—in other words, leaving or departing. For example, when a new president is elected, you might refer to the one leaving office as the outgoing president. (After departure from office is complete, the terms former and ex- are commonly used.)
This sense of outgoing is commonly used in the context of things like trains and mail. In these contexts, a close synonym is outbound. A similar term is outward-bound.
In the U.K., the word outgoings is used as another word for expenses or expenditures—money paid out or spent. This is more formally known as disbursement or outlay. Essentially, bills.
How is outgoing different from sociable?
Outgoing and sociable are pretty close synonyms. They can both be applied to people (or personalities), and they both suggest that someone thrives in social situations, which they often initiate. However, sociable can be used more broadly to describe situations that involve socializing, as in I had a sociable day—I went to two separate office parties and then happy hour.
What is the opposite (antonym) of outgoing?
The opposite of outgoing in the sense of sociable and extroverted is introverted. Such people are sometimes described as reserved, shy, or bashful.
Just because someone isn’t outgoing doesn’t necessarily mean they are unfriendly, antisocial, or standoffish. Being introverted often just means a person prefers more time to themself and is more comfortable socializing in situations with fewer people.
Opposites of the sense outgoing that means leaving or departing include incoming and inbound. For example, outgoing mail is mail to be sent out; incoming mail is mail that has been delivered.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.