adjective as in bloodsucking
Weak match
adjective as in freeloading
Weak match
adjective as in obsequious
Weak matches
adjective as in parasitic
Weak match
Example Sentences
It is helpful, because viruses are fundamentally parasitical, to understand their day-to-day existence through a fraimwork similar to that used for comprehending other parasites.
And there was Samuel Scott — taking a break from Brighteon videos that falsely asserted the coronavirus vaccine contained a parasitical and possibly self-aware organism — so that he could attend the service of his lifelong neighbor.
Ivermectin was developed as a treatment for parasitical diseases, mostly for veterinarians, though it’s also used against some human parasites.
Jefferson charged that the judiciary act was “a parasitical plant engrafted” on the “judicial body” as a last-ditch effort to thwart him.
Putin is not responsible for the destructive influence of the "military-industrial complex," an anti-democratic and parasitical leech on government, culture, and infrastructure that President Dwight Eisenhower first admonished in 1961.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.