noun as in bias
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But the smoke is still rising, and petty partisanship is a distraction and disservice at the moment, given all that’s been lost, and all the hard work of moving forward.
The California Labor Federation shunned partisanship in favor of a campaign focusing on hard work and noting the lack of congressional accomplishment.
Gray also explains why partisanship distorts our perceptions of our political opponents and the role that fear and survival instincts play in our political decision-making and reality.
Neither do the psychologists and political scientists who have been tracking the country’s slide toward toxic levels of partisanship.
The majority of sensible observers, though sometimes not those fans who choose to view decisions through the prism of their own partisanship, accept referees will make mistakes under the severest pressure.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.