adverb as in suffering without complaint
adverb as in continuing without impatience
Weak match
Example Sentences
A week later, deep inside Alaska Airlines Arena, Cronin patiently answered a reporter’s questions about travel and playing on nearly every day of the week, even if he had trouble keeping them straight.
The foundation has patiently bought a few at a time — in between more-pressing needs — working down the list of 106 stations.
One woman had been waiting patiently for an hour and a half to see whether she even had a home.
With a sun visor on backward and a pen stuck in the elastic band, he patiently removed one of his earbuds to better hear a reporter ask why he was still making deliveries.
“The definition of ‘phobia’ is the extreme or irrational fear of something,” Neal patiently explains while continuing to make breakfast.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.