Example Sentences
The creators deserve praise for the potency of their brew, but commercial forces have helped this musical defy gravity.
These compounds are dangerous because they can be 50 to 100 times stronger than heroin, so drug users have no idea of the potency of what they are taking.
The band ended it for good in 2011, but its music retains its potency, as evidenced by the inclusion of “Oh My Heart” and “Strange Currencies” as source music for Hulu’s beloved series “The Bear.”
Instead, he described considering the possibility of a "highly toxic synthetic opiate" such as carfentanyl, which has a potency "hundreds of thousands of times greater than fentanyl".
Of those, carbon dioxide is the least relevant to the local weather — while it plays a major role in the global climate, that is more because of its long lifespan rather than its immediate potency.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.