presiding officer
noun as in governor
Example Sentences
Speaking on BBC Radio Wales Breakfast on Wednesday, Millar said he had tried to give an example of a case "before being interrupted, I thought inappropriately, by the presiding officer".
The presiding officer – who decides which legislation is within the competence of the Scottish Parliament – has previously said she is confident the bill is within the powers of Holyrood.
The presiding officer must determine that a court reporter is not “reasonably available” and that delaying the hearing would not be in the interest of justice.
"It's the current first minister who determines that, in co-ordination with the presiding officer," she said.
The Welsh government can request a recall of the Senedd from the presiding officer if it believes one is required.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.