adjective as in general, dominant
Strong matches
- established
- predominating
- preponderating
- ruling
- set
- steady
- sweeping
Example Sentences
Watching her sibling bask in life’s simple pleasures stirs some resentment in Pansy, but the prevailing feeling she experiences observing Chantelle isn’t jealousy, it’s misery.
The prevailing sentiments in this episode are that nobody is entirely useless or beyond redemption with patience and the right guidance.
The problem is that more generally, the current prevailing approach embedded across most of the NHS is not conducive to bringing networks together in this way.
As for the tragedy of the 39 people who died in a shipping container, the prevailing view in Nghe An is still that they were just unlucky.
The human rights group’s report on the war with Hamas in Gaza acknowledges that prevailing interpretations of international law undermine its accusation.
When To Use
What are other ways to say prevailing?
The adjective prevailing refers to that which has superseded others in its presence: prevailing fashion. That which is prevalent exists or is spread widely: a prevalent idea. That which is current is in general circulation or a matter of common knowledge or acceptance: current usage in English.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.