recorded information
noun as in dossier
Strongest match
Weak match
Example Sentences
The technology proved remarkably accurate during a subsequent visit to surrounding villages once poor images and improperly recorded information were removed from its database.
The Scottish government defines records as "recorded information in any form which is created or received in the conduct of government business and which can provide evidence of activities, transactions and decisions made for, or on behalf of, the organisation".
At times, I yearn for the wealth of recorded information available to populations elsewhere in the world.
Details of organisations offering information and support with sexual abuse are available at, or you can call for free, at any time to hear recorded information on 0800 077 077.
She believes if these things had been in place Harris could be alive today.For details of organisations which offer advice and support, visit or can call for free, at any time to hear recorded information on 0800 066 066.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.