adverb as in astutely
Example Sentences
In the opening episode, one of the new contestants shrewdly suggests that more of the Traitors this year might be women, after those in the last series were predominantly men.
A grand ensemble number opens the film, with characters exchanging verses that shrewdly extoll the family’s shared naivete and reveal each person’s neuroses.
Glowing below background signs for a liquor store, a laundromat and an Echo Park burger joint, Gomez shrewdly identifies the specific street through a blazing sunset, glimpsed off in the distance.
Vice President Kamala Harris has been shrewdly opaque about her agenda; she has been far more detailed about the positions she no longer holds than she has about the ones she does now.
But she has an ulterior motive in shrewdly finagling her way into a job at an esteemed Chicago law firm, which is revealed by the end of the hour and sets the season in motion.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.