soil culture
noun as in farming
Example Sentences
Uncle Holt gave me his old work boots, and Miss Simpson presented me with a copy of Campbell’s 1907 Soil Culture Manual.
I finished Campbell’s 1907 Soil Culture Manual and am now reading some of Rooster Jim's poultry journals so I can be ready for my chickens when I get them.
Karl shakes his head at me when I try to tell him about the scientific studies Mr. Campbell set forth in his Soil Culture Manual.
Senegal has 20 total circular gardens, each one adapted to the soil, culture and needs of individual communities so they can grow much of what they need.
All considerations as regards soil, culture, drainage, sick and dead stock, cremation, burial, disinfection, etc. have a most important if only a secondary bearing on the protection of man.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.