noun as in prophecy
Example Sentences
Such soothsaying is of little comfort, however, to those who can see the reality of the country’s worsening democracy crisis and the deep cultural and institutional failings that have created it.
He was also a savvy entrepreneur and fabulist who, despite being illiterate and shunned by the Catholic Church, carved out a life soothsaying and healing ailing neighbors.
Few of the pundits who trumpet the long-term wisdom of Medicare for all or the negligible impact of deficit spending have the credentials for such soothsaying.
Read on for a survey of cinematic soothsaying about the possible dangers waiting in the days to come:
Besides, no one knows what will happen, and some prominent pundits have dismissed such apocalyptic soothsaying with assurances that the system will work the way it's supposed to and foil Trumpovian malfeasance.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.