adjective as in illustrative
Strongest matches
adjective as in pointing
Strong matches
noun as in marking
noun as in mention
noun as in mentioning
Strong matches
Example Sentences
"Treblinka-2 was a death camp where a large number of people were killed in gas chambers," she says, without specifying that most of the victims had been Jews.
The Israeli military said it had fired "warning shots in multiple areas", without specifying if people had been hit, and apprehended several people it claimed posed an "imminent threat".
Without specifying a timeline for filing the countersuit, Freedman confirmed the plans to Deadline on Saturday.
The new proposal sidesteps that restriction, specifying that the drugs would be covered to treat the disease of obesity and prevent its related conditions.
Ukraine's military also mentioned attacks in the Bryansk and Kursk regions, without specifying what was hit.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.