noun as in care
Strongest matches
Strong matches
administration, charge, direction, guardianship, keeping, ministration, safekeeping, superintendence, tutelage, ward
Weak match
noun as in superintendence
Strong matches
administration, aegis, auspices, charge, control, custody, direction, guardianship, keeping, management, ministration, protection, safekeeping, supervision, trust, tutelage, ward
Weak match
noun as in managing
Strong matches
administering, admonishing, advising, controlling, executing, governing, guiding, handling, husbanding, inspecting, leading, operating, organizing, overseeing, piloting, regulating, steering, superintending, supervising
noun as in management
Strongest matches
administration, care, control, governance, government, handling, operation, oversight, supervision
Strong matches
charge, command, conduct, direction, guidance, manipulation, rule, superintendence
Weak matches
noun as in conservation
Strongest matches
care, conservancy, control, maintenance, management, protection, supervision
Strong matches
attention, custody, economy, governing, guardianship, keeping, safekeeping, salvation, saving, storage, supervising, sustentation, upkeep
Weak matches
cherishing, conserving, directing, guarding, managing, preserval, preserving, protecting, safeguarding
noun as in dispensation
Strong matches
administration, direction, economy, plan, regulation, scheme, system
Example Sentences
The ideal scenario of sending Dyche on his way with gratitude in the summer has not come about, so less than a month into their stewardship the Friedkin Group have made their first managerial sacking.
His stewardship led to the first peace treaty between Israel and a warring neighbor, Egypt, which still stands today as the most important such accord.
Claressa’s no-nonsense talent and confidence quickly erase Jason’s prejudices about girls in the ring, and under his gritty, paternal stewardship, she goes on to triumph in the first-ever appearance of women’s boxing at the Olympics.
Johnson’s stewardship of the House might be up for renegotiation, too.
The story of his family’s three-generation stewardship of the property — and its impending end — naturally became intertwined with the project as a autobiographical story of his bonding with the community.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.