noun as in solidification
noun as in starch
Strong match
Weak match
Example Sentences
Republicans from across the aisle have also introduced bills, including an array that focus on stiffening criminal penalties to address recent cases of those suspected of looting and other criminal activity during the wildfires.
Opponents argue that by stiffening penalties we’ll refill our prisons after having dramatically reduced their populations to meet a federal court order.
He said his parents also told him their child had been unwell the night before he was brought to hospital and had been displaying abnormal movements including shaking and stiffening of his limbs.
Further analysis showed that the discs from diabetic rats exhibited a stiffening of collagen fibrils, with a higher concentration of non-enzymatic cross-links.
With certain diseases, stiffening organs can become more pronounced, signaling a potentially precipitous health decline.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.