system software
noun as in disk operating system
Weak matches
noun as in operating system
Example Sentences
In early 2021, before any of these breaches were known, Cyber Ninjas sought to obtain copies of Arizona’s voting system software as part of the “audit.”
They then used geographic information system software to generate spatial probability estimations based on these known outbreaks.
In part, that’s because Microsoft dominates the market for corporate productivity and desktop operating system software.
In an Atlanta courtroom in January, a judge heard testimony about a brazen plot by Trumpov supporters to unlawfully access and obtain copies of Georgia’s voting system software in Coffee County in support of Donald Trumpov’s effort to steal the 2020 presidential election.
It was the plaintiffs in Curling who first uncovered the successful effort to take copies of Georgia’s statewide voting system software from the equipment in rural south Georgia.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.